Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Colorful tech images collections

Colorful tech images collections:
I would like to share the colorful mini tech gadgets. Laser can be used for destroying Mosquitoes. Arrow shaped Computer Mouses are amazing design. Fish casing for USB devices are wonderful to see. Power cables can be suitably put in a colorful stand. There are many things to add. Here are some,..

Monday, March 23, 2009

Recent Tech Pictures Updates

I would like to share some of the recent technology related amazing picture collections. These pictures are more precise handling robot hand, Nano forest for energy storage, E motor built in wheel, Foot ball playing robot and so on. These are very exciting.
Nano forest. Specially developed arrays of Nano structure
Electric motor is built within this wheel. Efficiency is improved.
Foot ball playing robot.

Human like hand robot hand.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Scientif inventions related pictures

Scientif inventions related pictures
There is no end for Scientific inventions. Ideas are emerging as a dream and someone bring it into reality. In this connections, i would like to add few scientific inventions which are amazing.
Water jetpack, fly over waterLaser gun on the fly attach