Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Amazing flying concept cars

Amazing flying concept cars
    Flying in Plane is always fastest in the transport system compared with any other kind of transport systems. if we are able to fly by using our car, then it would be very enjoyable one. Those who are enthusiast in flying are always interesting to invent novel things in aviation industries also. 
Flying cars are now a days common for those enthusiast and have started design such cars able to fly and run on roads. I would like to share such flying concept cars which are occupying the air traffic in near future.  

 Maverick flying car
 Moller parajet skycar
 Moller parajet skycar

 AVX-TX-Fly car SUV
 Terrafugia Transition Next Generation car
In the above list, the Terrafugia Transition flying car has been ready for takeoff.
Though these are seems amazing to fly , The flying car pilots has to face the Air traffic and related problems in order to avoid accidents which not only cause death and damages for those flying in the car, but those livings on earth.

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